< class="uabb-heading"> Abuse Prevention


A youth student is never alone with an older student or adult. At least two individuals are in the presence of a youth student at all times. If a 2nd student does not arrive to class, a parent must stay in the class.

Our students are the bosses of their bodies

We teach our students body safety rules (i.e. not touching one another’s private parts)

We teach our students to respect each other but it is okay to say “no” and tell if they feel unsafe

Our students do not keep secrets

We do not ask students to keep secrets, even “innocent” ones

We respect students’ physical boundaries

If you see something that does not feel right, speak up and get help



Purpose: We are committed to providing a safe and respectful environment for all participants. This procedure includes RedCross First Aid training and aligns with SafeSport guidelines to prevent and address all forms of abuse, including physical, emotional, sexual abuse, and bullying. This policy applies to all staff, volunteers, instructors, students, and visitors.

1. Abuse Prevention Measures

1.1 Training and Certification

- In addition to Red Cross First Aid training, instructors are required to complete SafeSport training or an equivalent abuse prevention program. This includes learning how to recognize, respond to, and prevent instances of abuse.

- Annual refresher training is mandatory to ensure continued adherence to SafeSport protocols and updated prevention practices.

- Staff must also be trained on maintaining professional boundaries and recognizing power dynamics in coach-student relationships.

1.2 Background Checks

- All staff, volunteers, and instructors must undergo criminal background checks before working with participants, especially minors. This process is repeated every two years to ensure ongoing safety.

1.3 Code of Conduct

- Staff, volunteers, and instructors must sign and adhere to a comprehensive Code of Conduct, which prohibits all forms of abuse and inappropriate relationships with students. The code also includes guidelines on maintaining clear boundaries, avoiding one-on-one interactions without transparency, and preventing grooming behaviors.

- Staff are prohibited from engaging in any physical contact with students that is not appropriate to teaching Capoeira. Physical interactions must be limited to instructional guidance and be non-invasive. Instructors should seek verbal consent before initiating any physical contact.

1.4 Supervision and Environment Safety

- All activities involving minors are supervised by at least two adults to ensure transparency and safety. If a one-on-one interaction is necessary, it must occur in an open and observable environment.

- The organization ensures that safe and positive environments are created by maintaining public visibility and access to all classes, workshops, and events. Isolation of any individual or student is strictly prohibited.

1.5 Community Support

- We highly recommend parents, kids, and adolescent youth to take these FREE 15-30 minute online courses provided by SafeSport, an American 501 nonprofit organization created in 2017 to reduce the sexual abuse of athletes, particularly minors, in Olympic sports programs in the United States: Parents Guide to Misconduct in Sport, SafeSport for Kids, SafeSport for Youth Athletes. Go to www.safesporttrained.org to sign up free and access these courses in their catalog. The 30 minute course for Adult students - Abuse Prevention for Adult Athletes - is also highly recommended.

2. Reporting Procedure

2.1 Mandatory Reporting

- All staff and volunteers are mandatory reporters. Any suspicion, allegation, or disclosure of abuse must be reported immediately to the appropriate authorities (local law enforcement, child protective services) and our designated SafeSport Coordinator.

- Reporting should occur within 24 hours of the incident or disclosure.

2.2 Reporting Channels

- Reports can be made directly to the SafeSport Coordinator, via email or phone, or anonymously through a confidential reporting system available on our website. All reports are documented and handled with strict confidentiality to protect the identity of all parties involved.

2.3 External Reporting

- If abuse involves sexual misconduct, it must be reported to the SafeSport Center, in compliance with SafeSport policies. The organization will cooperate with SafeSport in any investigations and proceedings.

3. Response and Investigation Procedure

3.1 Immediate Response

- Upon receiving a report of alleged abuse, the SafeSport Coordinator will ensure the immediate safety of the victim and remove the accused from contact with students pending investigation. Law enforcement and SafeSport will be notified as appropriate.

3.2 Investigation

- Internal investigations are conducted by the SafeSport Coordinator and any relevant authorities. If the report is of sexual misconduct, SafeSport will lead the investigation. All parties will be interviewed, and any evidence will be collected to determine the appropriate course of action.

3.3 Protective Actions

- The organization will take immediate steps to protect the victim from further harm, which may include suspending or removing the accused individual from their role pending the outcome of the investigation.

- We will cooperate fully with legal authorities and SafeSport throughout the investigation process.

4. Consequences of Violations

4.1 Disciplinary Actions

- Individuals found to have violated this policy will face disciplinary actions, which may include suspension, termination, or permanent ban from our programs and events.

- Legal action will be pursued in cases of criminal misconduct.

4.2 Reinstatement

- If the investigation finds no evidence of misconduct, the accused may be reinstated under specific conditions to ensure continued safety and trust within the community.

5. Support for Victims

5.1 Confidentiality

- The identity of the victim will be kept confidential throughout the process. We will offer access to counseling services and other resources to support the victim’s well-being.

5.2 Non-Retaliation Policy

- We have a strict non-retaliation policy to protect individuals who report abuse. Retaliation of any kind is grounds for disciplinary action.

6. Review and Revision

This policy will be reviewed annually in consultation with SafeSport guidelines to ensure ongoing compliance with best practices for abuse prevention and reporting.


Report any accidents. With the your help, we can be more equipped to prevent accidents from reoccurring and to resolve concerning incidents. For Washington Capoeira Center, Capoeira Life, or Capoeira Vida related incidents, contact our administration at info@washingtoncapoeiracenter, info@capoeiralife.org, or info@capoeiravida.org.

Conflict Resolution
If you have a conflict that needs resolving, contact the administrative manager, Emily, at emily@washingtoncapoeira.com


Website and Privacy Policy
Our websites are www.SeattleCapoeiraCenter.com and www.TacomaCapoeiraCenter.com. Ensure your email account settings allow emails from info@washingtoncapoeira.com. We do not give your personal information to any third parties. Please keep all contact information current as we communicate with our participants electronically.

Ground Rules and Code of Conduct
It is required to act in a respectful manner to all visitors, residents, and neighbors of the buildings in which WCC schools are located. There is no smoking or consumption of alcoholic beverage. Please keep the area clean - do not leave personal items unattended in lobbies and do not wander on the grounds. Do not sing, play instruments, or make distruptive noises after 9:45pm.

Use of Facility
Please keep our space clean and better than before you came. At the SCC, we have a community room available for workshops and special events. The community room is for registered students\guests of Syed Taqi during scheduled class hours for group training. Private lessons must be scheduled through the staff. Usage of the center and community room is prohibited without a designated WCC member present.

First class is free for new students!